Here is todays ii-V-I lick, courtesy of Mr. Freddie Hubbard. And as I have repeatedly said, the point here is to understand what makes these lines the way they are and to start figuring out recipes to make your own lines from them, not to just learn where to put your fingers.
And here is the quiz, with answers in the comments.
All the questions are in relation to the chord that is mentioned, so if the question is "what are the altered notes" and there is "Gb" on the Gmin (the ii chord) a Db on the C7, (the V chord) the answer to both would be "b9".
So move what is considered the root to each chord.
Q: What note does the lick start on?
- ii chord: ______________________
- V chord: ______________________
- I chord: ______________________
- ii chord: ______________________
- V chord: ______________________
- I chord: ______________________
- ii chord: ______________________
- V chord: ______________________
- I chord: ______________________
- A: ______________________
- ii chord: ______________________
- V chord: ______________________
- I chord: ______________________
- ii chord: ______________________
- V chord: ______________________
- I chord: ______________________
And if these licks are all tooooo easy for ya, tough guy, remember you can always turn them into only-two-beats-each-licks at the same tempo by just turning all the 8th notes to 16ths like below.
But you already knew that. Right?