
How Have You Used The Transmogrifier? Hmm? Huh? Have you? Didya? Huh? Well?

Sometimes I sit and wonder about things. Various things. Random things.

Today it has been about the Transmogrifier.

Have you at least tried The Bergonzifying Transmogrifier?

Why not?

Not into patterns?

Think it is too mechanical?

Because it is "just for jazz and I don't play jazz"?

Opposed for moral reasons?

Because it has not been certified dolphin-free? (note: The paperwork has
already been submitted

If you have used it, and clearly you represent the elite percentage of musicians with taste and intelligence, what did you do with it?

What patterns did you make?

What instrument do you play?

Did you print your patterns out?

Did you save the mp3's of your patterns?

Where did you hear about it?

Well, take 20 seconds and let me know in the comments section. Cmon! 20 seconds! Geez.


Michael said...

I do indeed use it, as both a sight reading trainer and as a line development tool. Play an electric bass guitar; don't save the MP3s; don't print out the patterns.

Much as I value the Transmogrifier, it always leaves me a little frustrated. The problem is the randomness of the bar-by-bar output: despite the appearance of musical flow, it's up to me to carefully isolate and test candidate bars for phrases.

As it stands right now, playback is pretty useless. Tried clicking on Source Code to see if I could cut-and-paste snippets to reshuffle bars, but it turns out the text is read-only.

Ideally, one could drag-and-drop bars into new positions to test out patterns, but I realize that's probably not practical with the tools the Transmogrifier is based on.

Next best thing would be to have an option to organize the output by ascending and descending sections. That would at least aid the process of picking out bars to combine. In fact, to really expedite the mix-and-match process for users, I think it would help to break out straight linear ascending/descending sequences, 3-1 ascending/descending, and 2-2 ascending/descending.

Since the real value of the thing is to present viable ingredients to mix, better to offer them broken out by a kind of taxonomy than just scrambled together.

There. Ain't you glad you asked?

Thanks for first creating the Transmogrifier, and then continuing to improve it.

Bassist Ridiculoso said...

Sorting has been suggested by others, and there may be a way to do that one. And yes, the drag and drop thing is probably not gonna happen. But there are a lot of ways the interface could be cleaned up and made to look more app-like.

If you really do want to re-use the output, you can if you download Lilypond, from lilypond.org, which is what bopland.org is based on.

It takes a little time to get used to it, but you can use that kind of text based input in that program to render notation. It is an amazingly powerful little app.

Thanks for the feedback! Its all good! Anyone else?

Davido de Franko said...

Haven't quite got the hang of it, but early days yet. The first time I used it, my bass turned into a fish. Recent attempts have been more musical. Anyroad, big thanks for the effort. The dolphin-free certification is reassuring.

Bassist Ridiculoso said...

Hmmm, I will look into the icythification side effects there and see what I can do about that. At least it wasn't a tractor.

Glad to hear that more recent undertakings have been less scaly. Well, fish scaly anyway.

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