
8 More Ways To Play All The Triads In C Major

I have been goofing around (well all I do is goof around really) with a new project and here is a sneak peek of what it is going to look like. More triads. Lots and lots and lots of triads.

Here are just 8 of the many many ( trust me.....there are many ) ways to play the triads that occur in the key of C Major. The fancy music word for that is "diatonic" which just means, "only using the notes in that key".

I would be interested in hearing about the format and the content of this layout and if it is easy to read so leave a comment or send me a note. And no, a one line comment like "it sucks" is not what I mean. Yes, I am talking to you. You, right there, yes you.

As always, play these slow, and if your bass has more than 4 strings extend the exercises as far as you can go with them, lower and higher. Speed isn't the goal here, it is getting a huge, all encompassing, panty-dropping low frequency oscillation of bass tone-age! 

Good tone is important is what I am trying to say, not speed. Nice even long notes.

Also "retrograde" is just a big fancy show-off word that means "backwards" so if a triad goes C - E - G, retrograde would be G - E - C. That's all that means. 

So right-click these, download em, or read them off your screen and be prepared to play all kinds of triads in all kinds of ways.

These patterns are not anything I invented, they are just the variations you get when you combine different ways of playing triads. Nods to Gary Campbell, Hal Galper, and Jerry Coker on this one. It is just hard to come by these in bass clef is all.

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