
Announcing A New E-Book: The Book of Triads, C Major

Here at Basso Ridiculoso Industries we have been hard at work creating a snazzy new bass thing.

So today, with our usual overly dramatic fanfare and pompous ceremony we are announcing a new e-book that has 80 different ways to play the triads that are found in the C Major scale.

Or, to use the fancified music school show-off term, the diatonic triads in the key of  C Major, which of course we all know are C Major, D Minor, E Minor, F Major, G Major, A Minor and B Diminished. 

Here is what you need to know about this thing. I hope you are sitting down.

Q: So what kinds of exercises are there in this e-booky thing?

A:  There are a total of 80 different exercises that cover two octaves and play the triads found in the C Major scale in a variety of ways - ascending, descending, one triad ascending with the next one descending, starting on the root of each triad, starting on the third of each triad, etc. - for 80 different triad exercises. The patterns can be transposed to any other major key also, of course.

Q: What do the exercises look like?

A: These are actual exercises from the book:

All the exercises have traditional notation, tablature (for four-string bass), and each degree of each triad  is labeled (root, third or fifth) so you can see the relationship of the notes.

Q: An e-book? What's that?

A: An e-book is just an electronic book you can read on an Ipad, Kindle, or your laptop/desktop computer (Mac, Windows or Linux). It is immediately available for download, there is no shipping, you click a link and get the book. You can print the exercises as well if you do want to have a hard copy of them.

For reading an e-book on your laptop or desktop computer you can use Adobe Digital Editions, or Calibre, both of which are free and work on Mac, Windows and Linux.

For reading it on your Ipad you can use IBooks or Stanza.

Q: Well, I like triads, how much is it and where can I get it?

A: It is only $9.99 and is available right now at the Basso Ridiculoso book pages:

Don't dismiss the triad! It sometimes gets no respect in this day and age of #9#11b13Maj/Min7 Half-demolished chords, but there are a lot of strong and very melodic lines that are possible when using just the notes in triads. 

Triads are also a great way to get familiar with the neck, especially up in that nether region past the 12th fret on your E string. 

So for 10 bucks, you will get plenty to keep your fingers and ears busy and I bet you will find a way to play triads you have never thought of before. I know I did.

So check it out.

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